Publish Date: July 14, 2023

Top 9 eCommerce SEO Strategies

Many online stores are built without considering search engines, relying instead on social media or paid advertisements. While these alternatives can be effective, they typically demand ongoing effort and a continuous flow of funds. Companies spend billions of dollars yearly on ad campaigns, which is only rising.

In contrast, SEO offers a remarkable return on investment and requires primarily upfront effort. Once your website ranks well in search engine results, you can enjoy steady sales with minimal ongoing expenses. By grasping the fundamentals of SEO best practices, you can unlock the true potential of your e-commerce business.

Investing in SEO can be likened to plucking low-hanging fruit. It’s a readily available opportunity that many businesses overlook. By optimizing your website for search engines, you can gain a significant competitive edge and attract organic traffic without relying solely on paid promotions or social media efforts.

To fully leverage the power of SEO, it’s crucial to understand and implement effective strategies.

#1 Find Effective Keywords

Keywords are the phrases people search for online. They are crucial for attracting potential customers to your website. To tell Google what each page is about, focus on one or two keywords for each product, page, or category. Avoid targeting multiple keywords for a single page, which can create confusion.

#2 Write Enticing Product Descriptions

Go beyond basic information like price, photo, and title on your product pages. Include detailed descriptions that appeal to both shoppers and search engines. Consider what information would be useful to potential customers, such as measurements, ingredients, age ranges, or instructions. Incorporate the chosen keywords naturally within the content.

#3 Be Cautious of Duplicate Content

Duplicate content can confuse search engines, leading to ranking issues. Avoid copying and pasting manufacturer descriptions or using default descriptions from suppliers if you drop-ship products. Instead, provide unique descriptions for each product. Take the time to highlight what sets each product apart in your inventory.

#4 Use Strategic Keywords in Anchor Text

Internal links to other content on your site are valuable for SEO. When creating these links, avoid generic anchor text like “click here” or “check this out.” Instead, use relevant keywords whenever possible to help Google understand the relationship between your pages.

#5 Make Your URL Structure Search Engine Friendly 

Optimize your URLs for search engines and user experience. Keep them short, concise, and descriptive. Avoid lengthy URLs with irrelevant numbers or tracking links. Incorporate keywords when appropriate to preview the page’s content.

#6 Use Alt Text for Images

 Search engines cannot “see” images, so use alt text to describe them. Include your target keywords and provide a descriptive caption that ensures accessibility for visually impaired individuals using screen readers. However, prioritize accurate descriptions over keyword inclusion if it doesn’t serve the purpose of the image.

#7 Use Google Ads for Testing

To assess the value of ranking for specific terms, consider using Google Ads to pay for placement temporarily. Create ad groups with hyper-specific keywords related to your products. Monitor conversions to determine if the traffic generated by these keywords brings in paying customers. Compare the results to other campaigns or store metrics to evaluate the quality of the traffic.

#8 Avoid Broken Links

Broken links need to be clarified for both visitors and search engines. Regularly check your links using online tools and plugins. If you change a page’s URL, set up a 301 redirect to inform search engines about the updated link.

#9 Speed Up Your Site

A fast-loading website improves user experience and search engine rankings. Optimize images by using the appropriate file size and compressing media files. Also, choose a reliable hosting provider and limit the number of plugins installed. 
