Performance first approach to Website Development, hosting and design
About Mebsites
We code websites from scratch with a performance first approach being used by our developers. Every site is coded from the ground up with SEO, page load time and user/backend security as a priority. Uniquely we code to tune the website to the server and the server to the website, for ultra fast loading times. We code to W3C Standards using Googles best practices for SEO/speed and a few of our own tricks to create superior loading and SEO registering websites. In a market dominated by smart phones and search results this is essential for a business website developer and designer.
We write the web code. We are known as the developers, developer. Some of our long term clients are other web developers and designers. In an age of drag and drop and cookie cutter website creation, we are unique in this aspect. We do not outsource, but companies do outsource to us. The benefits are; we are based in Australia and have 24/7 support for all clients. We have a simple User first approach with pragmatic use of the KISS principle in our design and development process. We live to develop new code and push the boundaries of what can be done with coding online. Do not settle for a poor performing pre-fabricated website frame work, when for less $$ you can have a website rocket ship made by Mebsites